Posted in Strong Mind 🙏🏻


One of the most interesting words i have come across “Hangxiety”

This word caught my attention and interest a while back …

I had seen it used in some posts on instagram but had just laughed it off 

Its was only when life did throw some seriously serious lessons at me that i started appreciating this interesting and what i would call fun word 

We spend so much time worrying and STRESSING about bullshit people and things that dont deserve even a minute of our time or energy

Its only when we are EITHER faced with bigger issues OR have moved ahead from some situations and people and are really happy in our own lives that we realize that the previous small stuff we had been getting anxious,sad,stressed,depressed about was so damn inconsequential.

Dont sweat the small stuff is just a book you,ve read till you realize ….NOT TO SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF 

So if someone or something is not in alignment with your spirit and soul …….

Dont hang On!…… “Hang the Anxiety” …let go…dont stress and sweat over it ….

As long as you and your loved ones are safe,healthy , have food to eat and a house to live in …send prayers to those who dont … in gratitude…….eat ,pray love stay safe stay healthy …because that is all that really matters …

The rest is “Hangxiety”

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